Cisco Webex Meetings

Cisco Webex Meetings


A- Join from your browser

If you received an invitation by email or calendar: click on the link and select Join from your browser: Input your name and email address and allow the use of webcam and microphone wen asked.

B- Join a meeting via App

Have you already installed Webex? If not follow the instruction reading this article

If you install Webex on your computer you will have faster access to the meetings and an overall better quality of the audio/video stream. Login with your H-ACCOUNT credentials and remember to allow your OS to access the webcam, microphone and screen recording. Still having problems? Don't hesitate to contact your IT support team by email.


A- Login

You can access to Webex using your H-ACCOUNT: simply input your email and password, that's it!

B- Schedule a meeting using Google Calendar

You can quickly schedule a meeting in Google Calendar using the pre-installed Cisco Webex Meetings extension for Google Calendar:
  1. Open your Google Calendar
  2. Create a new event and set all the informations
  3. In the section "Add video conferencing" select Webex meeting (only the first time you will be asked to allow the extension to use your google account. Select Allow)
  4. Add the guests and save to send the invitations!

C- Schedule a meeting and book a room

Are you scheduling an in presence meeting with remote guest? Great! You can follow the steps at point B "Schedule a meeting using Google Calendar" and select a room from the field "Add a room".

D- Screen Sharing

If you need to share the screen with the participants of the meeting you can find this options on the top part of your screen (if you join from browser) or in the bottom one (from the app).
Selecting Share -> Share my meeting Window you enable the screen sharing functionality. For an in depth view of what you can do please read this article.

E- Record a meeting

Record meetings for people who can't attend or for those who want to refer back to what was discussed. Your recordings can either be saved to the cloud or your computer as a local recording.
You can start recording a meeting clicking on "Recording" button and then choosing between record on your computer or in the cloud. In the first case the file of the recording will be saved on your computer at the end of the meeting, in the second one you'll receive an email when the recording will be ready in you account on Webex website.
For an in depth view of what you can do please read this article.

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