Cisco Webex - How To: Download

Cisco Webex - How To: Download


You can also use your favourite browser visiting


  1. mac OS (also available on Self Service app on your Mac)
  2. Windows
  3. iOS
  4. Android

B- macOS

First of all check your processor version from "About This Mac" in the second line (see GIF below)
Usually Mac released before 2020 use an Intel CPU, the newer one instead use SoC Apple M1 (and later veesions).

To install Webex onto your computer:
  1. Download the right version according to your mac's processor
  2. Open the file you just downloaded (from your browser or the Download folder)
  3. Drag the Webex app into the Application folder
  4. Open Webex and Join the meeting

If you are opening Webex for the first time you must allow it to access the webcam and the microphone
Go to System Preferences ->  Privacy -> unlock the lock in the left bottom corner -> enable Webex using Webcam + Microphone + Screen Recording

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